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Discovering CWC 2024 as a NUA Scholarship Recipient

October 16, 2024 6:37 PM | Nicole Neder (Administrator)

Hi, I’m Nicole! I am one of the two NUA scholarship winners who was lucky enough to attend the 2024 Custom Workroom Conference in Rhode Island. I’d like to tell you a little about my amazing experience. Perhaps you are curious, but have not yet committed to attending a CWC? Maybe you have an employee that you are encouraging to attend? Applying for the generous National Upholstery Association scholarship is a step in the right direction.

So many smiling faces! This photo was taken by the talented professional photographer at NUA's Plate & Panel event. That's me in green.

Why I Applied for the NUA Scholarship

The short story is because I am new to upholstery. My husband and I started Green Zipper Upholstery recently, after several previous careers, and running another business together for 5 years. We are self-taught (or You Tube taught) so we are always learning something. We found out about NUA and quickly joined. The webinars, surveys, resources and mentorship program have been helpful tools for us to navigate the upholstery life.

  • The relationships that develop through meeting others in the same industry, sharing knowledge and ideas, and collaborating on issues has been my single most effective resource for building a better business.
  • Knowledge sharing in a welcoming environment is invaluable.

Once I learned about the NUA scholarship opportunity, I started the application process. It took some time to complete, but was well worth the effort, as the scholarship generously covers expenses and registration for the events. In looking back, I feel like I can utilize what I wrote for the application as a blueprint for my professional growth. Another useful tool earned!

My Custom Workroom Conference Goals

  • A ‘one stop shopping’ way to network with colleagues in the field, see what works and doesn’t, improve skills, learn from others with more experience, meet my mentor in person.
  • A chance to explore something I have not yet been professionally exposed to– sit in on a class to learn about something unfamiliar or out of my current scope of work.
  • To meet vendors, learn about more products that will make upholstery life easier!

The Details

CWC time in Rhode Island was well-spent, and exceeded all my expectations. Custom Workroom Conference is a very well-planned event.

  • The schedule was comfortable, the mix of class topics is diverse and appropriate for beginners to lifelong practitioners.
  • Crowne Plaza was great! It was very convenient to have everything at the same venue.
  • The NUA hosted Plate & Panel event on Sunday was the perfect way to start things off.
  • Exhibitor-sponsored meals and entertainment were so much fun!

Much time and effort is put into planning CWC, and it shows! Susan Woodcock and Rodger Walker, owners and producers of CWC should be very proud. Susan mentioned that each year event attendance has grown, and that in 2024 approximately 40% of attendees were newbies.

Plate & Panel Hosted by National Upholstery Association

This was a great way to meet the other NUA members that you will get to know throughout CWC! The format changes from year to year. This year:

  • It took place on Sunday night, preceding CWC.
  • Most attendees had already checked in to their room and it was an easy way to spend the first night, without even leaving the venue, including dinner.
  • It was great way to transition from daily workroom mode to creative, brainstorming, big picture thinking mode, so as to soak up all the CWC possibilities.
  • Esteemed panelists discussed a chosen topic related to upholstery, guided with related questions presented by an NUA moderator.

The Sessions Are Invigorating

  • My overall takeaway feeling was that the ‘breath of fresh air’ was in full effect for everyone! 
  • To attend a session and see people from all experience levels listening, interacting, and offering feedback is something everyone benefits from.
  • We are all passionate about upholstery, so why not hang with like-minded folks to invigorate your daily routine?
Insider tip: Pick something our of your comfort zone, expand your knowledge.

So Many Exhibitors

CWC Exhibitor Marketplace exceeded my expectations. It was neatly organized and scheduled to keep you busy all day and minimize crowd congestion.

  • The exhibitors spend a lot of time and money to attend conferences like CWC. It is a chance for them to get in front of so many industry folks, in a short period of time.
  • Most vendors offer CWC specials and discounts. You can order supplies right then and there!
  • It’s a great chance to say hello and thanks to those vendors that support our industry. Without them, where would we be?
  • The Education Station offered short but sweet demonstrations, all day long.

Insider tip: Pick and choose what you like. Circle back around to chat with a vendor if they have a crowd. Come and go as you please. But don’t show up late for the big announcements at the end of the day!

See you in Tennessee!

Hopefully I have motivated you to apply for the NUA Scholarship to attend CWC in 2025, in Kingsport Tennessee!

Insider tip: tack on a few extra days to make it a vacation at this beautiful locale.

I had a great time, and am grateful for the scholarship from NUA to attend the Custom Workroom Conference in 2024. I have already blocked my calendar to attend next year.

Click here for more info on both this year and next year CWC. Hope to see you there!


  • October 17, 2024 7:52 AM | Keaven Hartt (Administrator)
    It’s so great to read about your experience, both at the conference, and with the Scholarship!
    We are glad that you applied, and that it was a rewarding trip for you.
    Grateful to have you in our community!
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